Monday, June 17, 2013

Must Have Monday: Concealers

CONCEALER! This is kind of getting up there as one of my fave products. I never really used to buy concealers, now I just have to try them all. Here are some of the ones I have come across that I thought were must haves out of my collection. I also share some tips! Thanks for watching!



  1. i have very very dry under eyes no matter how much eye cream i use and it seems like all concealer crease on me even if i use a setting powder. Can you suggest a moisturizing concealer or any secrets you may have up your sleeve? :)

    1. You should DEF try Benefit's Fakeup concealer! You can probably test it in the store but it is so moisturizing and if you need more coverage you can add it on top of another concealer and it doesn't even make it cakey-it smooths it out. A MUST!!
